I had the pleasure of working with Anne-Marie and was immediately impressed by her skill!

“I had the pleasure of working with Anne-Marie and was immediately impressed by her skill! Her ability to see me and understand where I was coming from was profound. I felt at peace with her ability to take me where I needed to go and she seemed to know where that was, which allowed me to let go, trust and just be in the experience.

She has compassion for the situation men find themselves in and clearly wants to help them navigate this. There are a lot of men who could benefit from this. I wish more knew about it.”

— Erik Pounders

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Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life.

“Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and super-ordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life. She is a fierce defender of truth — calmly ever-present even in the face of high-stakes peril. She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.“

— Albert Wong

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Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa!

“Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters. She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.

The journey was raw yet surrounded in tenderness and my initial blockages were like boulders that we quickly turned into play-doh! Thank you for honoring me and being my guide”

— Brian Leonard

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