Anne-Marie Marron


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What is Self-Acceptance Power?

To compassionately and courageously befriend and integrate exiled parts of ourselves home into the wholeness of our being


  • Are you your own worst critic? Is it easy for you to find fault with yourself, and hard for you to feel self-acceptance and self-compassion?

  • Do you long to be seen, yet also find yourself wanting to hide or run away from someone who seems to actually see you?

  • Do you find yourself spiraling through painful repeating circumstances and don’t know how to interrupt the cycle?

If so, it may be time to dive into your Self-Acceptance Power.

Learning to embrace and heal your core wounds will help you re-integrate all parts of yourself, so you can experience greater compassion for yourself and others, and share your unbridled personal medicine with the world.

About Self-Acceptance Power

Self-Acceptance Power is the ability to notice when we're operating from fear or scarcity, instead of love and acceptance.

Let’s face it — we all know how easy it is to slip into fear and control, especially if we’re being moved by unresolved trauma or adaptive strategies that seek to protect our vulnerability and keep us safe at any cost.

It’s not our fault. We’re all conditioned. We all have core wounds. And simply by living on the planet at this time, most of us are traumatized in some way.

When we embody our Self-Acceptance Power, we align with our compassionate inner witness who observes, welcomes, and integrates “messy” parts of ourselves back into a powerful whole.  

Befriending our shadows is an adventure that can swing along the pendulum between utter despair and total liberation. Each time we bravely walk into the dark to examine our shadow patterns, we welcome disowned aspects of ourselves back home.

It’s a journey of following the hunger of our hearts, the breadcrumbs of our struggles, and the information revealed in repeating cycles and patterns of our lives.

Our wounds become alchemized into our personal gifts. These retrievals become our hard-won wisdom and medicine for the world.

Self-Acceptance Power is the art of being in a conscious and compassionate relationship to revealing your personal conditioning and unconscious ways of operating.

This level of intimacy and compassion towards all parts of yourself becomes a beacon of light for others who are traveling in the dark.

I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.
— Brené Brown



When you’re in your self-acceptance Power you most likely feel:

  • aware of your wounds and conditioning, and familiar with the adaptive strategies you draw upon to protect yourself

  • devoted to the journey of retrieving and re-integrating exiled parts of yourself into the wholeness of your being

  • empowered with tools and practices to address triggers and process overwhelming emotions

  • committed to welcoming, accepting (and eventually even loving) all parts of yourself and your experience

When you’re out of rhythm with your self-acceptance Power you might feel:

  • shame or a sense of punishment when things go poorly — rather than engaging with obstacles as a part of your awakening and evolution

  • defensive and unable to receive feedback from others about your blindspots

  • unaware of your adaptive strategies — which leaves you powerless to them and their impact on yourself and others

  • helplessly caught in frustrating and painful patterns of repetition-compulsion — challenging life circumstances that repeat themselves beyond your control

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  • When was the last time you embraced a part of yourself that you (or other’s) had banished or criticized? What supported you to do so?

  • What traumatic imprints have you inherited from your lineage that may relate to your personal suffering today?

  • How do you cultivate self-acceptance and kindness towards the wounded, scared, and contracted parts of you?  


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Learn more about Self-Acceptance Power:

Podcast Episodes & blog articles



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