Episode 10: How to Activate Your Inner Jedi — the Vagus Nerve



How does the Vagal Nerve serve as one of our greatest inner allies, helping us to recover from activated states of threat, anxiety, fear, and helplessness? Patricia shares about this inner Jedi along with simple practices we can do while driving or in the middle of a business meeting to calm our triggers.

What we cover today:

  • What is the vagal nerve?

  • How does the vagal nerve serve as our inner Jedi?

  • How does the vagal nerve empower us to better manage our threats, shifting moods as well as build our resiliency during times of chaos, loss, and isolation?

  • The power of paying attention to our body wisdom as a gateway to integration and self-regulation

  • The superpowers of self-awareness, discipline, and body sensations

  • What are simple practices to tone our vagal nerve into a strong presence and ally - 15 Simple Ways to Enhance Vagal Tone: published by Brain Harmony


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How to find Patricia Gipple

Patricia Gipple’s current focus is on integrating restorative yoga and the polyvagal theory. She works with individuals, couples, groups, and families. Her newest program is called: “Slowing down to go fast” and enrollment is currently open for this 5-week online wellness program. 

Email Patricia: patricia@patriciagipple.com

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patriciagippleyoga/
