Anne-Marie Marron

What is Wild Power?

A devotion to the passionate roar within us that dismantles social domestication in order to claim an authentic, free, and sovereign self

  • Do you stay in stagnant or toxic situations out of a sense of fear or duty?

  • Do you find yourself clinging to the “safe and known” because the fear of uncertainty is too paralyzing?

  • Do you long to feel the fully liberated expression of your passion, purpose, and aliveness?

When you reclaim your Wild Power, you’ll feel committed to developing a trusted relationship with your own inner authority. This often means embracing patterns of shame and not succumbing to external authorities or voices that judge or criticize your authentic way of living, loving and engaging your life.

You live your life through your own personal vision and authentic purpose — rather than remaining inside the cages of domestication and striving to become who you think you “should be”.

About Wild Power

You know that wobbly feeling when you realize that your attempts to become who you think you should be have resulted in a loss of freedom, passion, and joyful engagement with your life?

To be free is to expose the superhuman compulsion of striving to become who you think you should be — rather than being and doing what makes your heart sing. And, let’s face it, this is no easy task to feel and follow our passions when we’re living in a world of increasing financial, social and personal pressures. 

To reclaim our Wild Power is to expose and challenge any external expectations that suggest we will be better off if we follow a particular script — especially when that prescriptive formula is not aligned with our heart and soul.

Embodying Wild Power is a gritty and liberating journey of dismantling domestication. This means revealing the ways we’ve been lulled into a slumber of compliance. To re-wild is to remember and embody the fullness of who we are.

When we tap into our Wild Power we turn inward and partner with our true nature. As a result, we start to root into our expanded, sovereign self. This is where divine wisdom becomes more present and influential than our personality and personal agendas.

For conscious leaders and heart-revolutionaries, the deeper question of Wild Power is “What are my deepest values and vision? And what is the legacy of my life and presence on the planet?”

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.
— Bob Marley



When you’re in your Wild Power you most likely feel:

  • a passionate roar inside that keeps you focused on your vision and what is most important to you

  • in touch with your sense of personal authority over cultural and social expectations

  • free to embody the fullness of who you are, with or without the approval of others

  • alive with passionate purpose and on track with your authentic path

When you’re out of rhythm with your Wild Power you might feel:

  • attached to a limited idea of ‘success,’ which is based on external factors rather than your own sense of authentic fulfillment

  • chronically drained, uninspired, or out of touch with your passion and purpose

  • reliant on others’ opinions over your own sense of clarity, truth, and desire

  • stuck or paralyzed in life situations or relationships you’ve outgrown but fear letting go of

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  • Have you traded your own wildness to fit in? If so, how? 

  • Which conditioned beliefs about who you ‘should’ be have stifled your sense of wildness, sovereignty, and freedom?

  • How do you access the longings of your wild heart and relinquish the impulses to shrink and hold back?


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