Evolutionary & Integral Leadership Immersions
You know deep down that there is more for you.
You're self-aware, open-minded and primed to give more.
Something is holding you back.
You are determined to take yourself to the next level.
But, you're not sure what that means or how you will accomplish doing so.
If this is you, I'm glad you're here.
The world needs you.
“To become our most integrated expression of leadership and power we will be called to embrace our shadows and welcome home our most messy parts of self.”
Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?
Does something invisible and unexplainable seem to hold you back from living into the life you know is possible?
What are the repeating relationship dynamics and personal patterns that drain and deplete you?
Have you dug to the root of the influencing factors that cause stress, anxiety, relational conflict, fatigue and an increasingly short-fuse with yourself and others?
The three phases of an Integral Leadership Immersion
We begin the three phases through a leadership assessment. We’ll examine where you’re firing on all cylinders and we’ll highlight the repeating patterns that drain and deplete you.
This will lead us into a deep dive as we explore your leadership development opportunities — followed by an integration process. See the three phases outlined below.
Assessement & DIscovery
Phase 1: we hone in on the greatest leverage points for your expansion
Assessment tools we may draw upon are the Leadership Circle Profile™ (for executives) or the Power Reclamation System
Shadow reclamation
Phase 2: we dive to the root of the power dynamic, stuck point, and threat response to catalyze your optimal gain
In addition to coaching, you’ll have custom assignments (self-awareness practices, journaling, and many others)
Taking it to the streets
Phase 3: we map your integration plan, with support, accountability and check-points for success
we further integrate your insights and embodiment gained through phase 2 coaching sessions, text and voice messages (via WhatsApp or voxer)
Watch this video on the Integral Leadership Immersion process
After you submit your application you will receive a 60-minute consultation with Anne-Marie to further explore your leadership goals
Listen to a podcast episode on:
Integral Leadership — The Art of Welcoming Everything
Episode Summary
Why integral leadership?
"Please call me by my true name", poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
What is integral leadership?
The movement from authentic leadership to integral leadership
Five phases of leadership development
The shift from reactive to creative leadership
The shift from creative to integral leadership
The key marker of an integral leader is a devotion to embracing one's shadows
Integral leadership immersions with Anne-Marie
Feeling safe enough to be messy -- a key to all transformation
To become an integral leader we learn the compassionate art of
embracing our light and our shadows
Operating through our blindspots is vulnerable and exposing.
Feeling stagnant and stuck is painful.
Our reactivity can make us behave in ways that are counter to who we want to be, and what we most want to create.
Three Articles on Integral Leadership
Are You Hitting Your Own Leadership Ceiling? In this article, I share a story about how two business partners dug deep to reclaim their own shadows and become more integral leaders — individually and together.
The Shift From Authentic Leadership To Integral Leadership - Embracing Our Shadows. What does it mean to evolve through authentic leadership into becoming an Integral leader? What does it ask of us?
The Evolutionary Arc Through Five Phases of Consciousness and Leadership. If you are curious about the five phases of leadership and evolutionary consciousness and leadership, I break the five phases down here.
“Each time you befriend and integrate lost power, you up-level and reclaim your sovereign self.”
Reflections from working with Anne-Marie
Anne-Marie carries the keen gift of seeing beyond what is overtly shown, and listening with her whole heart and body.
In my work with her, I have felt fully accepted, celebrated, and loved — even in (perhaps especially in) all of my unapologetic, vulnerable, sometimes ugly truth-telling.
Anne-Marie's wisdom not only comes from her potent training and experience, but it also feels deeply-rooted in how she's able to connect inwardly with her self and show up in all of her humanness.
— Jen Berlingo
Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life.
She is a fierce defender of truth — calmly ever-present even in the face of high-stakes peril.
She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.
— Albert Wong
Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters.
She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.
The journey was raw yet surrounded in tenderness and my initial blockages were like boulders that we quickly turned into play-doh! Thank you for honoring me and being my guide
— brian leonard
About Anne-Marie Marron
I’m an Integral Leadership and Power Reclamation coach.
I am passionate about studying people, relationship dynamics and the systems we live and breath in.
I study myself to to evolve — this helps me to better understand you, me and us.
It's not only a passion -- it's my way of living, loving, and integrating my own shadows.
This practice allows me to truly see and welcome you for all that you are.
Yes, that includes the messy, protective, compliant and controlling parts of you too!
I walk side-by-side with brave leaders and revolutionaries who seek to dismantle the trappings of personal, social, cultural, ancestral conditioning and trauma.