Anne-Marie Marron


Power Reclamation



Facilitated by Anne-Marie Marron
& Scott Odom

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Program Title options:

#1 Reclaim Your Wild Heart and Primal Intelligence

#2 Reclaim Your Power, Presence and Wisdom

#3 Reclaim Your Wild Heart and Primal Power

Pain points: what are they? (remove TITLE after we clariFy)

  • Do you sometimes feel like you’re riding the tail of a tiger in a world that asks you to seek your value and success externally rather than internally?

  • What keeps you up at night? Fears of not being enough, resistance to life’s challenges, etc. (just a quick brainstorm, I don’t like any of them)

  • Do you feel cautious and confused about how to express your power in a world focused on men’s misuse of power?

What we do: (remove TITLE after we clariFy)

We help men tap tap into your primal intelligence by confidently embodying your superpowers, befriending your fear-based conditioning and healing residual trauma.

Yes, your presence and power is the most catalytic force on the planet.

Have you've noticed that when you are distracted by posturing as a means to prove your worth, striving to validate your success, or hiding to avoid your fear of failure, that you feel lost? — and maybe even turn towards addiction to soothe your confusion, anger and grief?

The invitation: (remove after we clarify)

Join Scott & Anne-Marie for a 12-week dive into your most sacred longings and most painful places of feeling stuck, lost and confused that interfere with you embodying the life you long to live.


Join Scott & Anne-Marie for a 12-week dive deep into your heart and soul as we explore areas of conditioning that keep you trapped in outdated ways of being, feeling, seeing and operating.

A 3-month (?) immersion for Men

Facilitated by Anne-Marie Marron & Scott Odom

NOTE: How long? (9 modules @ 2 per month w/2-3 Q&A’s?)

AMM/SO: Questions to discuss:

  • Is this a pilot program or official launch? If pilot then we charge less and ask for feedback

  • how many people? Do we want a cap? how few will we take to run it?

  • Finalize name of program

  • Pain points to help people know it’s for them

  • How long/How many modules- We don’t have to do all powers. In fact we will likely enjoy it more if we go deep in 1-3 powers. i.e centering, self-acceptance or Wild?

    • option 1: meet twice a month = 5 months or stretch to 6 to create space to expand where needed

    • option 2: meet weekly and wrap up in 12 weeks (3 months)

    • Have open On-the-spot space holding/coaching + Q&A a few times — depending on how long the program is?

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Phase 1: Activate Your Superpowers & Vision

What type of powerhouse are you?
What is your most natural expression of leadership, compassion and power?

What are your superpowers?

What are the strengths and powers that you call upon to manage the complexity of chaos, change, loss and fear?

What is your vision? What do you long for in life? What desires appear hard to achieve?

What kind of support systems help you to expand your self-awareness and growth trajectory?

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Phase 2: Identify Energy leaks & lost power

What of your hidden powers remain tucked away? Or shut down?

How do you attempt to take power from others due to states of fear, control and scarcity?

Where you feel a loss of confidence and clarity?

We’ll investigate fear-based strategies such as: defending, justifying, procrastinating, blaming, withdrawing, complying & collapsing.

Each adaptive strategy and shadow is a sacred gift — one that points you towards aspects of yourself that long to be integrated and welcomed home.


PHase 3: REclamation & Integration

In this final phase we will build a wire-frame for your Power Reclamation Map.

This process hones in on the specific practices that you will live into over the coming months as a form of reclamation and integration.

What are the top 2-3 areas you wish to practice more mindfulness and reclamation?

What are the practices that will help you stay centered, focused and on task?

Who is your accountability team? How will you be held and celebrated as you traverse your power reclamation process?


What is the Power Reclamation System™?

We’ll travel through the Power Reclamation System™ as our guide.

Along the way we will investigate each of the six gateways of power —allowing the exploration to guide you towards the most leveraging spots of disconnection, outdated conditioned ways of being and trauma residue — personal, ancestral or cultural trauma impacts.


Immersion Details:


This is my process of mapping the PR arc, of course this is way too much to cover and I’m not attached to us having this much structure for men. I wonder if we focus on 1, 2 or 3 powers (centering, self-acceptance and wild?) Let’s brainstorm.

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1: What is Power?

  • Three types of power:

    • Personal

    • Interpersonal

    • Systemic

  • What does it mean to take, give or withhold power?

  • Navigating Power-Over & Power-With

  • Embracing the darkness

  • Identifying your superpowers & kryptonite

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2: The HEro’s JOurney

  • Exploring the arc of suffering, awakening & embodiment

  • Hero’s Journey- are we being punished or initiated/called home?

  • What is a core wound?

  • What is wound resonance -- can be a sacred mirror or hell realm

  • Understanding the Repetition-Compulsion phenomenon

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3: Power REclamation System

  • The Power Reclamation System™ & Six Gateways of power

  • 3 Power Reclamation Tools:

    • Self-Awareness

    • Self-Compassion

    • Self-Abiding

  • What is Self-Abiding Power? How do you know when you’re in Self vs. parts, fears, wounds or adaptive strategies?


4: centering Power

  • Cultivating Self-Awareness

  • What does it mean to be a primal animal wired to manage threat and safety?

  • How do you meet your habitual reactivity and defensiveness?

  • What are your primary psychological threats? The ones that cause you to give or take power to maintain specific self-images? (ie. people pleaser, tough guy, responsible provider, etc.)

5: relational Power

  • Vulnerability as a form of power

  • Emotional intelligence & primal tracking/listening

  • What is your relationship to getting your needs met? How do you set boundaries, ask for what you want and manage disappointment?

6: Self-Acceptance POwer

  • Embracing the darkness as your potent guide

  • Recognizing and befriending exiled parts of yourself — based upon personal and cultural conditioning & trauma residue

  • Cultivating self-compassion and heart wisdom


7: Wild POwer

  • What is the matrix of social & cultural conditioning?

  • What gender conditioning did you learn as a boy? Does it limit your freedom now?

  • What keys to your inner kingdom are you wrestling to retrieve?

  • The art of dismantling domestication

8: Intuitive POwer

  • What is toxic masculinity and how has it thwarted your connection to your intuitive power?

  • What is the mindset of the patriarchy and how does it influence your power center?

  • What is your relationship to apprenticing to the unknown?

  • Embodying your whole-being wisdom (mind, gut, heart, sensations, body intelligence & erotic power)

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9: Erotic Power

  • Erotic power is your creative life force- how do you leverage your erotic power for healing and evolution?

  • Healing sexual shame and performance anxiety in order to liberate your wild, embodied creative force

  • Embracing attachment wounds and fears of rejection, unworthiness and abandonment


10. Who are you becoming?

  • Who are you becoming and how will you nurture this expansion?

  • Pick your top 3 areas of power reclamation and integration

  • Design a personalized wire frame map to guide your focus, discipline and accountability

11: The power of being seen

  • Do we want to offer this as a means to celebrate the men or is this folded into next one?

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12: Taking it to the streets

  • Celebrate your expansion with the 3 Power Reclamation Tools:

    • Self-Awareness

    • Self-Compassion

    • Self-Abiding Power

  • What does integration look like?

  • How do you create accountability?

  • How are you moved to taking your wisdom to the streets?


Are you ready to abide more confidently from your power, presence and wisdom?


Who is this program for?

Scott - We can create a video (3-4 minutes and add here)

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

To reclaim our power is to embrace our light and our shadows

Inner sovereignty and freedom expand each time we identify how we give power away, or attempt to take it from others, to manage feeling helpless or powerless.

It takes great courage to interrupt subconscious habitual protective patterns in order to make new conscious choices that are aligned with love rather than fear.

Scott and I believe that each time we reclaim a lost part of our power we contribute to forming a new world in which love prevails over fear, anxiety, addiction, hatred, polarization, loneliness, and depression.

Do you want to claim the fullness of your life?


"Each time you befriend and integrate lost power, you up-level and reclaim your sovereign self."

What you can expect from the Immersion:

AMM/SO- Determine which one’s stay and which to delete


✓ Identify your Powerhouse Type

Learn which of the six power gateways is your strongest superpower by taking the Power Reclamation Quiz.

✓ Dig deep with a Power Reclamation Self-Assessment

Dive into your own Power Reclamation Self-Assessment. This will help you to reflect on your owned and disowned areas of power

✓ Bi-monthly 90-minute group meetings

Teachings, contemplative exercises, somatic based meditations, connecting with other brave hearts, and on the spot coaching

✓ Three 60-minute group Q&A’s + on the spot support

Group coaching calls to help you continue your momentum and ask for clarity around stuck places

✓ Customized Assignments

Reflective exercises, embodiment, practices, reading and other surprises — no more than 30-minutes per week required

✓ Experience the Power of Being Seen

Be witnessed, seen and welcomed for ALL of who you are — yes even the messy, confused, controlling, anxious, aggressive, compliant and scared parts

✓ Shared Accountability

Together we become an accelerator of change by holding one another accountable to our intentions and practices

✓ Recorded Audio/Video Sessions

A recording of each meeting will be available, upon request

✓ Community Building:

Scott- Should we build a community forum? if so what platform? Too much to track?

Are you ready for the Power Reclamation Men’s Immersion?

What would be different about your life if you could confidently embrace how powerful, worthy, unique and revolutionary you are?

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Join us for this Immersion into your primal wisdom, heart and soul

The investment for coming home to your mysterious and wild self is $FILL IN



The Power Reclamation Men’s Immersion will run from DATE to DATE 2021.


Sessions throughout the immersion will be held via Zoom/In-person?


Your investment for taking part in the immersion is $XX


Are you wondering if this is the right next step for you?

Book a 15-minute consultation to learn more

Scott- we need to decide how to approach 15 minute consults if we keep them:

If we keep this feature, how do we best set this up? Right now it goes to a calendly link to book with my online calendar. Or, we can have a form they complete that is sent to us both via email and then we determine who responds. Or, give our emails here and have them decide if they want time and who they feel called to reach out to. Thoughts?

"What would be different about your life if you could dismantle conditioned patterns and fears that limit your sense of lovability, peace and power?"


About anne-marie marron

Anne-Marie Marron walks side-by-side with brave leaders and revolutionaries who seek to dismantle the trappings of personal, social, cultural, ancestral conditioning and trauma.

She also consults with businesses and executives about how to transform their cultures from systems of power-Over to power-With.


About Scott Odom

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