Reclaiming Your Wild Power
Why do we stay with what's familiar, even when it no longer serves us? Especially when it feels toxic or draining?
One reason is because our physiological wiring is programed to seek safety through repeating what's familiar.
It's kind of crazy-making at times, huh?
“To become our most Wild and Mysterious Self we must learn to trust our inner authority and challenge our conditioning”
Are you hungry for a richer connection to yourself?
A spiritual through line straight down from the heavens and up from the earth filling you with confidence, trust and Self-guided leadership?
Does something invisible and unexplainable seem to hold you back from expanding beyond your known reality as you live at the edge of your evolution?
Maybe you enviously observe others take leaps into the unknown and boldly follow their heart's desires, while wondering, “what stops me from doing that too?”
During this immersion We’ll journey through these 5 PHASES:
Phase 1: Explore Your Wild self
Life initiates us through dark nights and heroic journeys.
What does this mean in your life at this time?
What is your soul and evolutionary self’s curriculum right now?
Phase 2: Embrace your primal Wiring
What is your most authentic expression of love, leadership, and power?
How does your primal wiring hold you back?
Which of the six gateways from the Power Reclamation System™ do you draw upon most?
Phase 3: Befriend Your Shadows
Where do you have hidden powers that remain tucked away and overshadowed?
We’ll investigate your unique fear-based ways of operating that collapse and cloak your sacred gifts.
Phase 4: ReaCquaint with Your Wild wisdom
What is your relationship to your whole-being wisdom and how do you take it to the next level?
What happens when we welcome our human conditioning, and personality defense patterns, as doorways to our inner wisdom?
Phase 5: Catalyze Lasting Integration
This final phase will culminate with the seedlings of creating your own Personal Power Reclamation Map.
Your map will include unique practices and tools for you to draw upon to further your embodiment and integration.
Who is this program for?
Immersion Details:
Identify Your Wild self
Identify and befriend your exiled parts
Explore the cultural trappings of the superhuman compulsion — busyness, striving, achieving, and consuming
Reclaim Power
Examine The Power Reclamation System™ & the Six Power Gateways
Identify your unique energy leaks
Unearth Primal Wiring
Identifying your superpowers & kryptonite
Discover the behaviors that cause you to give or take power out of fear.
Dismantle Domestication
Examine how we innocently reinforce domestication upon ourselves, others, the planet
Recognize common domestication traps that we slip into in our close relationships
Examine imbalances
Analyze the mindset of the patriarchy (imbalanced yang)
Investigate the repression of feminine powers in all people
Marry Yin & Yang
Discover how imbalanced energies have scrambled your intuition
Merge your inner powers of yin and yang (masculine and feminine)
Discover your boundary-setting beliefs
Identify your authentic yes and no, and trust it!
Reclaim Wild Wisdom
Embody your whole-being wisdom (mind, gut, heart, sensations, eroticism)
Learn your relationship to apprenticing to the unknown.
Taking it to the streets
Who are you becoming and how will you nurture this expansion?
Design a Power Reclamation wireframe map to guide your focus
Are you ready to Join the Power Reclamation immersion?
What You Can Expect:
✓ 15 Live Gatherings + Group Coaching with Anne-Marie (Two 90-minute gatherings per month)
✓ 15 self-discovery modules - focused audio recordings with exercises to help you deepen your clarity and insights within each topic.
✓ An online private community forum to share and ask questions - deepen connection, receive support & expand together
✓ Customized empowerment practices - engage in reflective exercises, embodiment practices, and pre-assignments to amplify your self-discovery process
✓ Audio listening assignments - Audio recordings will be shared as pre-assignments to spur your contemplation for the upcoming topic
✓ An audio/video recording of each meeting
✓ Your own Power Reclamation Map - at the end of our 8-month immersion, you will create a personalized Power Reclamation Roadmap.
"Your challenges and burning desires are sacred doorways that lovingly shine a light on disowned power that is ready to be retrieved and reintegrated."
Group Wisdom & Peer Support
Some of the benefits of coming together in this way are:
✓ Reclaiming Power Together — shifting the collective: the journey of evolution and growth can feel isolating and lonely at times. The shared journey, despite how different it may look for each of us, is a deep form of togetherness.
✓ The healing power of being seen —receive the nourishment of being witnessed, accepted and celebrated for all of who you are- (yes, absolutely the scared and messy parts too)
✓ Shared accountability as an accelerator of change: hold one another accountable to our visions, body wisdom and practices
✓ Amplifying clarity & growth through each other: contribute our presence, curiosity and courageous sharing to accelerate collective growth
✓ Rewire our brains through sharing & celebration: we will celebrate our victories together - this helps quicken the process of re-wiring our brains so that new habits and beliefs take root
✓ Bolstering our inner courage: together we expand our capacity to sit with discomfort, uncertainty and fear as a gateway to integration and healing — we are not alone
Are you ready to build your own Power Reclamation Map?
What is a Pilot Program?
During this 8-month immersion, we will be prototyping for a year-long Power Reclamation Leadership Academy and sparking ideas for specialized master courses.
What I ask of ALL Pilot program participants:
✓ Your presence & wisdom: Bring an open mind and heart towards whatever arises — even parts you feel ashamed of or judgment towards
✓ Track your conditioning of “doing”: Most of us have watched our conditioned patterns rise to the surface in a learning environment. (i.e I need to do it right, impress others, hide for fear of criticism). In this container we track these tender parts and create internal safety - together.
✓ Engagement in assignments and reflections: I’ll welcome you to share your insights from assignments or exercises live.
✓ Two feedback questionnaires: I’ll ask you to complete two questionnaires along the way — each will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
✓ A testimonial: At the end of the program (or during) if you feel inspired to recommend the program to others you will be invited to share a video or written testimonial.
✓ Confidentiality: You are willing to co-create a sacred container in which safety and personal confidentiality are essential gifts so that each of us can show up fully.
Are you feeing the call?
What will be different about your life when you're confidently embracing how worthy, unique and revolutionary you are?
The program begins FILL IN DATE (Nov 8th?)*
*Final program dates will be shared upon registration
program Details:
Pre-Assignments: Listen to audio recordings + complete worksheets prior to each gathering
Zoom Meetings: Gather for experiential learning & group coaching (approximately twice per month)
Times: Friday’s 1am1-12:30pm OR 5:00pm - 6:30pm MST AMM FINALIZE
Early Registration Gift:
If you’re one of the first six people registered, you receive a free 60-minute session with Anne-Marie.
You can use this time to explore power reclamation coaching anytime before or during the program.
Are you wondering if this is the right next step for you?
Book a 15-minute consultation to learn more
To reclaim our power is to embrace our light and our shadows
I believe that each time we reclaim a lost part of our power we contribute to forming a new world in which love prevails over fear, anxiety, addiction, hatred, polarization, loneliness, and depression.
Inner sovereignty and freedom expands each time we identify when we give power away, or attempt to take it from others, as a means to manage feeling helpless or powerless.
It takes great courage to interrupt subconscious habitual protective patterns in order to make new conscious choices that are aligned with love rather than fear.
“Each time you befriend and integrate lost power, you up-level and reclaim your sovereign self.”
Reflections from working with Anne-Marie
Anne-Marie carries the keen gift of seeing beyond what is overtly shown, and listening with her whole heart and body.
In my work with her, I have felt fully accepted, celebrated, and loved — even in (perhaps especially in) all of my unapologetic, vulnerable, sometimes ugly truth-telling.
Anne-Marie's wisdom not only comes from her potent training and experience, but it also feels deeply-rooted in how she's able to connect inwardly with her self and show up in all of her humanness.
— Jen Berlingo
Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life.
She is a fierce defender of truth — calmly ever-present even in the face of high-stakes peril.
She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.
— Albert Wong
Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters.
She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.
The journey was raw yet surrounded in tenderness and my initial blockages were like boulders that we quickly turned into play-doh! Thank you for honoring me and being my guide
— brian leonard
About Anne-Marie Marron
I’m a Power Reclamation Coach.
I walk side-by-side with brave leaders and revolutionaries who seek to dismantle the trappings of personal, social, cultural, ancestral conditioning and trauma.
I am devoted to helping you to remember the wholeness of who you are.
I assist you by tapping into the wisdom that lives within you. I dive straight to the root of things as quickly as possible — into the depths of what wants to be revealed, healed, and integrated.
Together, we mine for the patterns and beliefs that truncate your ability to reclaim your power, passion, and most authentic life.