Anne-Marie Marron

Power Reclamation

Traversing the Initiate’s Path

A 40-Day

Self-Empowerment Practice

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A 40-Day Self-Empowerment Practice

Do you ever feel alone and overwhelmed as you try to solve complex and confusing contradictions and needs in your life?

What if you could find ground, clarity and safety inside of uncertainty — and even in the presence of fear and anxiety?

The intention of this 40-day empowerment practice is to reveal your wisdom and clarity as you call upon something larger than yourself.

Why 40 days? It takes time to experience change. According to yogic philosophy, 40 days is the amount of time it takes to develop a new habit and internalize the effects of the inner alchemy.

Traversing the Initiate’s Path

Our soul curriculum is embedded within each obstacle, heartbreak, and challenge. As well as, every joyful experience of feeling seen, respected and loved.

One of the principles of my power reclamation system is the view that we are initiates. Brave and bold hearts who are traversing challenges as fuel for our evolutionary growth.

You are a wisdom keeper

You have the power to stir yourself from the slumber of your conditioned reality and the painful patterns of protection and reactivity.

You are a direct line to universal intelligence

What do you want help with?

  • Do you long to be seen and known in a deeper way?

  • Do you feel paralyzed by a decision you need to make?

  • Do you long for partnership but you can’t seem to break old relationship patterns that cause pain and suffering?

  • Are you stuck at work and can’t break through the glass ceiling or stagnation?

  • Are you at the edge of leaping into the unknown but you hesitate for fear you’ll make a mistake?

  • Do you struggle with trusting the uncertainty of your next steps and instead of going inside to listen you get busy going outside — has this approach caused more confusion, self-doubt and exhaustion?

Program Dates: April 9th - May 14th, 2024

I will provide you with a daily embodiment practice that includes:

movement, breath, and meditation

You’ll decide if you want to commit to a 15 or 30-minute daily practice - whichever you feel you will be able to sustain over 40 days.

Seven Live Video Gatherings: Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm MST

~ 5pm PST ~ 7 pm CST ~ 8 pm EST ~ 1am UTC ~

Seven Zoom Meetings: April 9, 16, 23, 30 and May 7, 14, 21

To my non-American time zone friends, if you feel called to join, please email me.

If there is enough interest, I will offer another immersion that better suits your time zone!


The Practice Format

1. Daily Embodiment Practice: I will provide a 15 and 30-minute practice that includes movement, breath, and meditation. You choose the length that will be most sustainable for you over the 40 days.

2. Group Facilitation: Join me once a week on Zoom to share what you're discovering. This is where we build community, and share our victories, struggles, and insights.

During this time, I will offer 1:1 coaching and guidance, as it emerges.

What you can expect

Program Dates: April 9th through May 21st

a 15 or 30-day embodiment practice

7 live video calls (60-minutes each)

Video recordings provided 

My full devotion, tracking, reflections, and love

Accelerate your integration through the power of accountability and community

In the seven weekly calls, you can share your experience, ask questions, or receive1:1 focus - similar to a mastermind group

If you can’t make the meetings, you are welcome to send your questions and shares so I can address them during the call.

Program Investment

Program Investment: $350

Registration Closes on Friday, April 5th

Early bird price: $300 through Friday, March 22nd - Discount Code: EARLYBIRD

Scholarships are available for 4 spots, please inquire here

Paid upfront — non-refundable

What if all the answers you ever needed to navigate the complexity of your life exist within you?

This 30-day empowerment practice is an invitation to remember this — and never look back


Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life. She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.

— Albert Wong

Anne-Marie didn't just help heal a layer of the spiral, but the whole spiral, and the manifestations I've met since my new sense of wholeness and fullness has been fascinating and joyful.

— Sophie Brunet

Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters. She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.

— brian leonard

What initiation or challenge has you seeking guidance, clarity and wisdom?


About Anne-Marie-Marron

I’m a Power Reclamation & Evolutionary Leadership Coach.

I am devoted to guiding leaders to remember the wholeness of who they are — by integrating banished aspects of self that were fragmented through conditioning, trauma, and loss of power.

I support this process through the way that I listen, track, and pay attention to what’s occurring through words, body, emotions, and even the most subtle realms of energy and guidance from spirit.

Together, we mine for the patterns and beliefs that truncate your ability to reclaim your power, passion, and most authentic life.

I assist by tapping into the wisdom that lives within you. I dive straight to the root of things as quickly as possible — into the depths of what wants to be revealed, healed, and integrated.